Kaj lahko gre na počitnicah narobe & kako to preprečiti

Iz najinih dolgoletnih izkušenj s potovanj sva se naučila, da lahko gre na počitnicah marsikaj narobe. Je vse tako lepo in prijetno kot izgleda na vajinih slikah?To je verjetno vprašanje, ki nama ga najpogosteje zastavite. Ne, še zdaleč ne. Potovanja so čudovita doživetja, najin najljubši del leta, kjer se ogromno naučiva, srečava s toliko različnimi kulturami in vidiva najlepše kraje – ki, ironično včasih izgledajo še lepše kot na najinih slikah. 🙂 Kljub izkušnjam in ljubezni do planiranja potovanj, pa ne gre vedno tako kot bi si želela. Kaj so najbolj pogoste neprijetnosti, kaj lahko gre na počitnicah narobe in ali je mogoče te nevšečnosti preprečiti? Finance na potovanju Največ ljudi, ki jih srečujeva na poti ima bančne težave. Kartice…

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Bali Living: 20 Things you should know before moving to Canggu

Bali Living: 20 Things you should know before moving to Canggu

After 4 months of traveling and visiting Sri Lanka, Thailand, Cambodia and Laos, it was time to settle down for a few months in South … View Post
Koh Rong or Koh Rong Samloem: Which one to pick?

Koh Rong or Koh Rong Samloem: Which one to pick?

After visiting the city of Siem Reap and exploring the mysteries of the Angkor Wat temples it was time to hit the beach. After … View Post
Siem Reap: The Ultimate Guide

Siem Reap: The Ultimate Guide

Literally every foreign visitor comes to Siem Reap to visit the majestic Angkor Wat. The sight is truly amazing and despite its massive popularity … View Post
Angkor Wat: How to Beat the Crowds

Angkor Wat: How to Beat the Crowds

Angkor Wat has been on top of out bucket list for a long long time. The amazing history behind the temples integrated within the … View Post
To travel the world full time or not?

To travel the world full time or not?

It’s been exactly 5 months since we became full time travelers! I’ve been receiving tons of questions on how and why I decided … View Post
Best of Koh Tao: Beaches & Views

Best of Koh Tao: Beaches & Views

Koh Tao was the island I was looking for the most during our South Thailand trip. Koh Tao is the mecca for scuba diving … View Post
Koh Samui Palm Trees

Koh Samui Palm Trees

Koh Samui is a posh island full of premium hotels, great restaurants and upscale stores. It is also one of the few Thai islands … View Post
Best Viewpoint at Ang Thong National Park

Best Viewpoint at Ang Thong National Park

During our stay in Koh Samui we took a 1 day trip to the Ang Thong National Marine Park. Despite traveling in a large group … View Post
Koh Phangan: Vegan & Beach Life

Koh Phangan: Vegan & Beach Life

Koh Phangan is probably our favorite Thai island. No, not because the island is famous for being one of the main party islands of … View Post